Unraveling the Mystery of the Plural of Self

What happens when “self” multiplies? How do we express the plurality of this singular concept? Well, that’s why we are here!

To let you know the plural form of “self” and how to use it in communication with others. For a start, the most common dictionary-approved plural is “selves.” It’s that simple, straightforward, and gets the job done.

“Our true selves were revealed in the face of danger,” or “Their younger selves would have been proud.” However, language is rarely that one-dimensional. Just like snowflakes, no two “selves” are exactly alike.

So, let’s explore some of the variations beneath the surface of this seemingly straightforward plural.

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And there’s more to it

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Let’s talk about some less common, but equally valid, pluralizations of “self”

1.  “Selfs

This alternative, though less frequent, has its own historical pedigree. It finds its roots in Old English and pops up occasionally in older literary works.

While not the first choice in everyday writing, “selfs” can add a touch of vintage charm or a deliberate stylistic choice to your prose. Just remember to  use it sparingly.

2. “Multiple Selves

This isn’t technically a pluralization, but here’s the thing. Sometimes, emphasizing the multiplicity of “selves” within an individual or group can be more impactful than simply saying “selves.”

Think of it as a descriptive phrase rather than a strict grammatical rule. “Exploring our multiple selves” or “navigating the complex tapestry of our individual selves” can paint a more vivid picture than just “selves” alone.

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Here are some different Contexts of “selves”

  • Psychological Selves: When we talk about our “multiple selves,” we often refer to the different facets of our personalities, the masks we wear in different situations. The shy introvert, the confident comedian, the nurturing caregiver – these are all part of the rich tapestry of “selves” that make us who we are.
  • Philosophical Selves: In philosophy, the concept of “multiple selves” can get pretty trippy. Think alternate realities, past lives, or even the idea that our consciousness can exist outside our physical bodies. Whoa, mind blown!
  • Collective Selves: This is when “self” transcends the individual and embraces the “we.” We talk about national identity, shared experiences, or even the interconnectedness of all living things as expressions of collective consciousness.

It’s about recognizing the “selves” woven into the fabric of our communities and the universe itself. If you’re ever unsure, “selves” is always a safe bet. But don’t be afraid to experiment with the other options.

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Final Thoughts

For real, this article has settled the confusion of the plurality of “self’. It’s your turn to get into action and use it howsoever you wished.

You may start of from crafting compelling stories, igniting thought-provoking conversations, and even expressing the facets of your own unique “self” with clarity and creativity.

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