10 Other Ways To Say “Thank You For Confirming”

“Thank you for confirming” is a polite acknowledgment when someone verifies or agrees with information. You can say it in a case such as when someone confirms an appointment, receipt of a message, or understands instructions.

However, “Thank you for confirming” can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It maintains a polite tone suitable for professional interactions but is also friendly enough for casual conversations.

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10 Alternatives to Saying “Thank You For Confirming

  • I appreciate the confirmation
  • Thank you for verifying
  • It’s helpful to have your confirmation
  • Thank you for validating
  • Your confirmation is valued
  • Your confirmation is acknowledged
  • Your confirmation is duly noted
  • Your confirmation is a relief
  • Thank you for the reassurance
  • I appreciate your timely confirmation

1. I Appreciate The Confirmation

“I Appreciate The Confirmation” is another way to say “Thanks for confirming”. It is an informal phrase often used in professional settings to express thanks for receiving confirmation or validation of something.

This term is appropriate for most business interactions but perhaps less relevant in extremely formal contexts like legal or diplomatic correspondence.

You can use this phrase when someone has confirmed a piece of information, completed a task as requested, or simply responded to your inquiry.

For instance,

If you send an email requesting a meeting time and the recipient responds with a confirmed time, you can reply with “I appreciate the confirmation” to express thanks and acknowledge their response.

Supposedly you’ve emailed a colleague asking for a report deadline, and they promptly respond with the date you requested.

Your follow-up email might say:

Hi Ranti,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I appreciate the confirmation of the report deadline.

Best regards, Damilare

2. Thank You For Verifying

“Thank You For Verifying” is a professional expression used to communicate gratitude towards someone for confirming or validating something.

It’s employed in a professional or formal set, where acknowledging someone’s effort or contribution is customary.

While it can be perceived as slightly formal, it also carries a friendly tone that makes it suited for various conditions.

This term is commonly used to express appreciation when someone confirms information, completes a task, or provides assurance about a particular matter.

For instance,

If a colleague double-checks a report for accuracy, a response like “Thank you for verifying the data” is appropriate.

Similarly, in customer service, when a support representative confirms a customer’s account details, acknowledging with

“Thank you for verifying my account information” is suitable.

In an email, you might use this phrase to express appreciation for someone’s assistance or validation.

For example:

Hi Tola,

Just a quick note to say thank you for verifying the budget figures for our project. Your attention to detail is greatly appreciated!

Best regards, Funke

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3. It’s Helpful To Have Your Confirmation

The phrase “It’s helpful to have your confirmation” is a professional way of communicating the importance of receiving acknowledgment or validation from someone.

This term conveys the significance of receiving acknowledgment or validation from another party In professional discourse,

You might use this phrase when you’re awaiting confirmation or approval from someone regarding a decision, action, or request.

For example, If you’ve sent an important email and you’re waiting for the recipient to confirm receipt or provide feedback, you could follow up with a polite message expressing that it would be helpful to have their confirmation.

In situations where clarity or certainty is needed, such as when coordinating a project with a team member or awaiting acknowledgment from a client, this term helps to prompt the recipient to provide the necessary confirmation.

Here’s an example of how you might use this phrase in an email:

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to follow up regarding the recent discussion we had about the upcoming project. It’s helpful to have your confirmation on a few key points to ensure we’re aligned moving forward:

  1. Could you please confirm receipt of the project brief attached to this email?
  2. I’d appreciate confirmation of your availability for the kickoff meeting scheduled for next Wednesday at 10:00 AM.
  3. Additionally, please confirm your understanding of the project milestones outlined in the timeline document.

Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Dare

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4. Thank You For Validating

“Thank You For Validating” is an informal phrase that expresses appreciation for someone acknowledging, confirming, or affirming something.

You can use “Thank You For Validating” when someone confirms or agrees with your thoughts, feelings, or experiences.

For example,

If you share an idea in a group discussion and someone responds positively, acknowledging your contribution, you might say, “Thank you for validating my perspective.”

Another scenario where this phrase is applicable is when seeking reassurance from a friend or colleague.

If you share a concern or uncertainty with someone and they respond with understanding and support, you can express gratitude by saying, “Thank you for validating my feelings.”

In an email, you can use this phrase to acknowledge someone’s feedback on your work or ideas.

For instance:

Hi Faith,

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to review the proposal I sent over. Your positive feedback and validation of the ideas presented mean a lot to me. Thank you for validating the effort I put into this project.

Looking forward to further collaboration, Adeola

5. Your Confirmation Is Valued

“Your Confirmation Is Valued” is utilized in a professional environment to voice thanks for the confirmation of a certain action, decision, or agreement.

It signifies that the input, response, or agreement provided by the recipient is important and appreciated by the sender.

This term is considered formal and professional in tone. In practical terms, this word can be used in business communications, meetings, or negotiations.

For instance, after sending out an email requesting confirmation of attendance at an event, the sender may follow up with a message stating,

“Your confirmation is valued, and we look forward to welcoming you at the event.”

It’s particularly appropriate to use this expression when seeking reassurance, validation, or acknowledgment from the recipient.

This could include confirming attendance, agreeing to terms or conditions, or acknowledging receipt of important information.

How to use the expression In an email for example:

Dear Gboye,

I’m writing to remind you about our upcoming Annual Conference scheduled for 25/6/2024 in Dublin. Your presence and input are Important to the success of our discussion, and your confirmation is valued. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you will be able to join us.

Warm regards, Debayo

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6. Is It Thanks For Confirming or Confirmation?

“Thanks for confirming” and “confirmation” both convey similar meanings but are used in slightly different contexts.

“Thanks for confirming” is a phrase you use when expressing gratitude to someone for verifying or validating something you asked or mentioned.

It’s a friendly way of acknowledging their response and showing appreciation for their confirmation. On the other hand, “confirmation” refers to the act of confirming or verifying something. It’s a noun that describes the process of making sure that something is true, accurate, or correct.

For example, when you receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance at an event, your response indicating that you will attend serves as the confirmation.

In short,

“Thanks for confirming” is what you say when someone has just given you the confirmation you need. It’s a polite way to say thank you for providing assurance or clarity.

“Confirmation” is the actual act of confirming something. It can refer to the process of verifying information, making sure plans are in place, or ensuring that something is indeed true or accurate.

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