Abbreviating Continued; What You Need To Know

Abbreviations have come to stay, and CONTINUED” is one of those lengthy words you might want to cut short. Sometimes, it is a matter of space, other times you might just love a good abbreviation.

Whichever way your reasons go, there are two heroes in this article. “cont.” and “cont’d.” Now, the question is, which one gets to wear the cap?

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A closer look at the two heroes “cont.” and “cont’d.”

Now the classic contender: “cont.”

This guy’s the OG, the dictionary darling. Most style guides will point you towards this clean, simple abbreviation.

Just cut off everything after the “t,” slap on a period, and boom! You’ve got yourself a perfectly acceptable “CONTINUED” short form. Think of it as the reliable Honda Civic of abbreviations. It confidently gets the job done, and nobody raises an eyebrow.

And the rebel with a cause: “cont’d”

Here’s the contrarian, the rule-bender. This cheeky chap adds an apostrophe, like a tiny wink to the word it left behind. While not officially sanctioned by every style guide, “cont’d” has earned its stripes in specific circles.

You’ll often see it in journalism, screenplays, and even some academic writing. It’s got a bit of flair, a touch of pizzazz, making it the Harley Davidson of abbreviations. However, it is not for everyone.

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So, which one should you choose?

Well, that depends on your audience and your vibe. If you’re writing a formal report, stick with “cont.” It’s safe, reliable, and won’t ruffle any feathers. But if you’re crafting a snappy news article or a dialogue-heavy script, “cont’d” might be your jam.

It adds a touch of informality, a hint of insider knowledge. Just remember, if you go the “cont’d” route, make sure it’s consistent throughout your writing. Don’t be a flip-flopper, guy!

When to Skip the Shortening Altogether

Sometimes, friends, less is more. I mean, you might just choose to avoid the whole abbreviation saga. If you’re writing “CONTINUED on next page,” consider ditching the abbreviation altogether.

A simple page number and the break itself can be enough to guide your reader. Plus, it saves you precious ink (or pixels) for the good stuff. Remember, the goal is to be clear and consistent.

Choose the abbreviation that fits your context, and audience, and most importantly, have fun with it! Language is a playground, and sometimes, a little abbreviation can make the journey even more simple and enjoyable.

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Final Thoughts

Abbreviations can make writing a lot easier. If you are sick of printing CONTINUED as long as it is, you can choose any of the short forms.

Remember, it’s either “cont.” and “cont’d.”, depending on your choice and type of content ( Formal or Informal) Plus, you can also decide to avoid it entirely. Especially if you just want to direct your readers to the next page.

A simple page number and a page break can be enough to guide your readers.

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