10 Unique Ways to Say Looking Forward to Speaking with You

In communication, expressing eagerness and anticipation is a common thread that binds our interactions. The phrase “Looking forward to speaking with you” has become a standard in our daily conversations.

However, like any well-worn expression, it’s refreshing to discover alternative ways to convey the same sentiment.

In this guide, I will share with you different ways you can say I look forward to speaking with you uniquely. Plus, you will learn how you can use each term In a professional email, and casual text messages.

Before we dive Into the article,

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Other Ways To Say “Looking Forward To Speaking With You”

  • Eagerly anticipate our conversation
  • I anxiously await our discussion
  • Can’t wait to engage in dialogue with you
  • Excited about our upcoming talk
  • Anticipating our upcoming discourse
  • Can’t wait for the pleasure of speaking with you
  • Keenly looking forward to our talk
  • Awaiting our chat with keen interest
  • Counting down the moments until we talk
  • Buzzing for our brief banter

Let’s dive right In.

1. Eagerly Anticipate Our Conversation

“Eagerly anticipate our conversation” is like putting that fizzy feeling into words.

It’s not just an upgrade from the usual “Looking Forward To Speaking With You”; it’s a modest way of saying, “I can’t wait for our chat!”

You’d whip this phrase out when you’re genuinely looking forward to a talk, and you want to sprinkle a bit of enthusiasm into the mix.

In a Professional Email:

Dear Keane,

I trust this message finds you well. I wanted to touch base and let you know how much I eagerly anticipate our conversation next week regarding the proposal. Your insights are invaluable, and I’m looking forward to aligning our strategies for mutual success.

Best regards, Ryad

In a Casual Text Message:

Hey there! Quick heads-up, I eagerly anticipate our coffee catch-up this weekend! It’s been too long, and I’m looking forward to swapping stories and laughter. See you soon!

Cheers, Olivia

2. Anxiously Await Our Discussion

When you say, “Anxiously await our discussion,” you’re giving your anticipation a touch of zeal and a hint of impatience.

You can use this term when you’re not just looking forward to a conversation but eagerly counting down the minutes. It’s a bit like saying, “I’m so ready for this talk, I can hardly wait.”

Also, use it when you’re excited about the impending discussion and want to convey a sense of urgency or heightened anticipation.

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In a Professional Email:

Dear Emma,

I just want to express how much I anxiously await our discussion tomorrow on the new marketing strategy. Your insights are crucial, and I’m eager to dive into the details and explore innovative approaches together.

Best regards, Amelia

In a Casual Text Message:

Hola! I anxiously await our movie night this Friday! Super excited to catch up on the latest releases and share some laughs. See you soon!

Cheers, Sophia

3. Can’t Wait To Engage In Dialogue With You

“Can’t Wait To Engage In Dialogue With You” is a friendly nudge that says, “I’m excited about our chat!”. It’s more casual and dynamic, perfect for situations where you want to get enthusiasm without sounding too formal.

In a Professional Email:

Hi Mila,

Just a quick note to tell you how much I can’t wait to engage in dialogue with you next Tuesday for our collaboration meeting. Your expertise is crucial, and I’m eager to brainstorm ideas that will drive our project forward.

Best regards, Isabella

In a Casual Text Message:

Sup! Can’t wait to engage in dialogue with you about that crazy project tomorrow! Bring your A-game, and let’s rock this discussion!

Cheers, Ava

4. Excited About Our Upcoming Talk

Saying “Excited about our upcoming talk” is a notch up from the usual “Looking Forward To Speaking With You,” expressing real spirit about an approaching talk.

You’d drop this phrase when you’re not just looking forward to chatting but genuinely pumped about the exchange, whether it’s a work discussion or a friendly catch-up.

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In a Professional Email:

Dear Ella,

I want to let you know how excited I am about our upcoming talk during the team meeting. Your insights are crucial as we strategize for the upcoming project. Looking forward to collaborating and achieving great results together.

Best regards, Mia

In a Casual Text Message:

Howzit! Just a quick note to say I’m super excited about our upcoming talk. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas or just catching up, I always leave our conversations feeling inspired. Can’t wait!

Cheers, Evelyn

5. Anticipating Our Upcoming Discourse

Imagine your exchange is a story, and “Anticipating Our Upcoming Discourse” is the plot twist that keeps your listener hooked. It’s another way of saying, “Looking Forward To Speaking With You,” but with a glimmer of intrigue.

This word is best when you want to express longing in a slightly more formal tone, giving your interaction a slight and sophisticated feel.

In a Professional Email:

Dear Luna,

As we approach our upcoming discourse on the new market strategy, I find myself eagerly anticipating the valuable insights you will bring to the table.

Your expertise is instrumental in steering our course, and I look forward to our collaborative efforts in achieving our goals.

Best regards, Neriah

In a Casual Text Message:

Yo! I’m anticipating our upcoming discourse on the weekend getaway plans. Can’t wait to brainstorm and make this trip epic! Get ready for some serious adventure talk!

Cheers, Amiri

6. Can’t Wait For The Pleasure Of Speaking With You

Have you ever had that foolish feeling when you’re leaning down to a much-anticipated discussion? “Can’t Wait For The Pleasure Of Speaking With You” apprehends that infectious excitement.

It’s not just another way to say “Looking Forward To Speaking With You”; it’s a spirited declaration of enthusiasm.

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In a Professional Email:

Dear Winona,

I wanted to communicate how much I can’t wait for the pleasure of speaking with you next week regarding our project milestones. Your insights are crucial, and I’m eager to discuss our strategies for success.

Best regards, Love

In a Casual Text Message:

Hello! I can’t wait for the pleasure of speaking with you later. I’ve got some exciting news to share! Looking forward to our chat.

Cheers, Inaya

7. Keenly Looking Forward To Our Talk

Think of “Keenly looking forward to our talk” as the cousin of the familiar “Looking Forward To Speaking With You.”

This expression Includes hunger, signaling that you’re not just showing up for the exchange; you’re fully engaged and ready to dive into the discussion. It’s like saying, “I’m genuinely excited about our upcoming chat, and I’m all ears!”

In a Professional Email:

Dear Jream,

I’m writing to share the agenda for our meeting on Monday. I’m keenly looking forward to our talk, particularly regarding the upcoming project milestones. Your insights will be instrumental in steering us in the right direction.

Best regards, Gielo

In a Casual Text Message:

Lo! I’m keenly looking forward to our talk later. I have some exciting news to share! Let’s catch up and dive into the details. Talk to you soon!

Cheers, Adalee

8. Awaiting Our Chat With Keen Interest

“Awaiting Our Chat With Keen Interest” is another way to say “Looking Forward To Speaking With You,” but with creativity, and zeal.

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In a Professional Email:

Dear Sol,

Getting closer to our scheduled meeting, I eagerly await our chat with keen interest. Your perspectives are crucial, and I’m genuinely excited about the discussions ahead. Let’s collaborate and make our upcoming session both productive and insightful.

Best regards, Zhuri

In a Casual Text Message:

What’s good! I can’t help but share, I’m eagerly awaiting our chat! Super excited about catching up and hearing your thoughts on the weekend plans. Let the countdown to our chat begin!

Cheers, Carla

9. Counting Down The Moments Until We Talk

Ever found yourself checking the clock, eagerly awaiting an exchange? “Counting Down The Moments Until We Talk” gives a summary of that time-ticking morale perfectly.

Aside from being another word to say “Looking Forward To Speaking With You”; it Includes playful impatience, as if each moment is an exciting countdown.

In a Professional Email:

Dear Team,

I’m genuinely counting down the moments until we talk in our upcoming team meeting. Your insights and collaboration make these discussions invaluable, and I look forward to our collective progress.

Best regards, Alora

In a Casual Text Message:

Salutation! I’m counting down the moments until we talk later. It’s like waiting for a movie premiere, but way more exciting! Looking forward to our chat!

Catch you soon, Alice

10. Buzzing For Our Brief Banter

“Buzzing For Our Brief Banter” is gingering up the classic “Looking Forward To Speaking With You.”

It’s the friendly version of saying, “I’m excited for our quick chat!” This phrase is your go-to when you’re eager for a lighthearted exchange. It could be a work-related discussion or a friendly catch-up.

It puts a trace of informality to the anticipation, which makes it feel like you’re not just looking forward to talking but genuinely excited about the prospect.

In a Professional Email:

Hi Cindy,

I’m buzzing for our brief banter next Tuesday to sync up on our latest strategy. Your insights are key to our success, and I’m looking forward to a productive discussion.

Best, Tipsy

In a Casual Text Message:

Hey! I feel excited about our brief banter tomorrow. Looking forward to bouncing ideas and having a productive chat. See you then!

Cheers, Iris

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