10 Synonyms To Say “Thank You All”

“Thank you all” is an inclusive phrase expressing gratitude to a group of people. It is an appreciative expression and a friendly way of acknowledging everyone’s contribution or presence as It has a tone of appreciation.

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Other Ways To Say “Thank You All”

  • Thanks to everyone
  • Grateful to all
  • Appreciation to all
  • Acknowledging all
  • Thankful to everyone
  • Gratitude to all
  • Much obliged, everyone
  • Appreciative of all
  • Thanks, all of you
  • Thanking each one

1. Thanks To Everyone

“Thanks to everyone” is a synonym for “thank you all.” When we say “thanks to everyone,” we’re expressing gratitude towards a group of people collectively.

This term means appreciation for the efforts made by each individual within that group. It’s acknowledging everyone’s involvement or support in a particular situation or endeavor.

You can use “thanks to everyone” after completing a group project, organizing an event, or receiving assistance from multiple people.

Let’s take for instance, “Thanks to everyone who helped with the fundraiser. We couldn’t have done it without each one of you.”

Another example could be, “Thanks to everyone for attending the meeting today. Your participation and input are highly valued.”

You could also write In an email:

Hi Team,

Thanks to everyone’s collaborative efforts, we were able to meet our deadline and deliver outstanding results. Your contributions made a difference, and I’m incredibly thankful to have such a dedicated team.

Best regards, Lead

2. Grateful To All

Another synonym that you can use for “Thank you all” is “Grateful to all.” “Grateful to all” conveys a similar idea but with a little difference.

Saying you’re “grateful to all,” you’re emphasizing the depth of your gratitude. It’s not just a simple “thank you,” but a heartfelt acknowledgment of how much you value each person’s involvement or presence.

However, this synonym can be used In different cases. Such as when receiving help or support from a group of friends or colleagues, or even in a public setting like a presentation or speech.

For example:

“After the successful completion of the project, I’m truly grateful to all who contributed their time and effort.”

“Grateful to all who attended the event and made it a memorable experience.”

Here’s how you can also use the term In an email:

Dear Team,

I want to convey my sincere gratitude to all of you for your hard work and dedication to the recent project. Your contributions have been invaluable, and I am truly grateful to all of you for your commitment to excellence. Together, we’ve achieved remarkable results, and I couldn’t have done it without every one of you.

Best regards, Vice

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3. Appreciation To All

Using synonyms like “Appreciation to All” can infuse warmth into your gratitude. You can use it at the end of a presentation, or when expressing thanks to attendees at an event.

For instance, “Thank you all for your hard work on the project” or “Appreciation to all who attended the conference.”

In a professional email, you could write:

Hi Team,

My appreciation to all of you for your dedication and hard work on the recent project. Each one of you played an important role, and I’m proud to be part of such a talented team. Thank you all for your commitment to excellence.

Best regards, Victor

4. Acknowledging All

“Acknowledging all” serves the same purpose as “Thank you all” but with more depth. It not only expresses gratitude but also highlights the importance of recognizing each person’s role.

It’s more like saying, “I see each one of you and appreciate what you’ve done.” This phrase is especially fitting in situations where individual efforts may have been overlooked, but you want to make sure everyone feels valued.

Let’s say you’re organizing a volunteer event for your community. After the event, you want to thank all the volunteers for their time and effort.

You might say:

“Thank you all for volunteering your time and energy to make our community event a success. Acknowledging all of your hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm, we were able to come together and create a positive impact.”

Also In an email:

Dear Cravings,

Your contributions have been invaluable, and together, we’ve achieved great results. Acknowledging all of your efforts, big and small, is important to me, and I want to ensure that each team member feels appreciated. Thank you all for your commitment and teamwork.

Best regards, Zion

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5. Thankful To Everyone

“Thankful to everyone” is a synonym for “thank you all” that underlines appreciation towards every individual involved.

This phrase suggests gratitude not just to a few individuals, but to everyone who has contributed in some way.

“Thankful to everyone” is best used In any scenario where multiple people have played a part. For instance, after a successful fundraiser, you could say, “I’m thankful to everyone who donated their time and resources to make this event a success.”

In a professional email, you might write:

Hi Everyone,

Thankful to everyone for your support during my recent transition period. Your encouragement, guidance, and assistance have been incredibly helpful. It’s been a challenging time, but knowing that I have such amazing colleagues to rely on has made all the difference.

Warm regards, Jerry

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