10 Other Ways To Say “Hidden Gem”

A “hidden gem” refers to something, such as a place, an object, or an idea, that is not widely known or appreciated but possesses exceptional qualities or value. “Hidden gem” is a noun phrase.

It combines the adjective “hidden,” describing something not easily found or noticed, with the noun “gem,” which metaphorically signifies something valuable.

Together, they form a compound noun that represents a priceless entity that is not widely recognized or appreciated.

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Alternatives To “Hidden Gem”

  • Rare find
  • Under-the-radar treasure
  • Unearthed delight
  • Stealthy treasure
  • Secret gem
  • Concealed jewel
  • Unknown marvel
  • Unnoticed treasure
  • Discreet gem
  • Obscure treasure

1. Rare Find

“Rare Find” is an informal phrase that is used when you stumble upon something unique or uncommon. It’s not something you’d say in a formal or professional setting, but it’s perfect for casual conversations or writing to friends.

When I think of “rare finds,” I imagine discovering hidden gems, like coming across a vintage record store with rare vinyl albums or finding a retro café tucked away in a quiet alley. These are the kinds of discoveries that make life a little more exciting.

You might use this phrase when you want to share something special with friends or family, like when you find a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork at a local art fair or when you meet someone with an extraordinary talent or skill.

In an email to a friend, you could say something like:

Hey Titi,

I had to tell you about the coolest thing I found yesterday! While browsing the flea market downtown, I came across this antique pocket watch from the 1800s. It’s in amazing condition and was such a rare find! I knew you’d appreciate hearing about it.

Catch up soon, Bright

2. Under-the-radar Treasure

“Under-the-radar treasure” is an informal phrase that refers to something noteworthy that is not widely known.

It implies that this treasure is hidden or overlooked which makes it ripe for discovery by those who are attentive or curious.

This expression is commonly used in casual conversations, informal writing, or friendly exchanges rather than in professional or formal contexts. It conveys a sense of excitement usually prompting you and me to inquire further.

However, this term can be used when describing a little-known restaurant that serves amazing food, a hidden hiking trail with breathtaking views, or a talented but underrated artist.

It can also apply to less tangible treasures, such as a secret technique for improving productivity or a unique perspective on a problem.

For example, in an email to a friend:

Hey there,

I wanted to share something I recently discovered, a little under-the-radar treasure right in our neighborhood! Have you ever heard of that tiny café on Elm Street? It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but trust me, their pastries are out of this world. I stumbled upon it last weekend while exploring the area and couldn’t believe my luck. Worth checking out!

Hope you’re doing well, Sarah

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3. Unearthed Delight

“Unearthed Delight” is an informal phrase that you might use to express the discovery or revelation of something unexpectedly pleasing or enjoyable.

It’s like finding a delightful surprise when you least expect it. You can use “Unearthed Delight” to describe different conditions.

Imagine you’re browsing through a secondhand bookstore and you bump Into a rare, out-of-print book that you’ve been searching for years.

The excitement of finding this literary treasure amidst the shelves of old novels and dusty books fills you with “unearthed delight.”

Or perhaps you’re rummaging through old belongings in your garret and you come across a childhood memento that brings back fond memories, which too can be considered an “unearthed delight.”

When crafting an email to a friend, you might use the phrase like this:

Hey Arike

I just had to share this ‘unearthed delight‘ I came across yesterday. While cleaning out my closet, I bump Into a box of old photos from our high school days. Looking through them brought back so many amazing memories and put a big smile on my face. It’s incredible how these little treasures can brighten up our day unexpectedly!

Hope to catch up soon, Kunle

4. Stealthy Treasure

When I say “stealthy treasure,” I mean something valuable that’s tucked away or not immediately obvious. This phrase is commonly used in casual conversations or informal writing contexts.

It may not be appropriate for professional or formal settings, but it’s perfect for chatting with friends or writing in a relaxed tone.

You can use the phrase “stealthy treasure” when you want to talk about something special that’s not obvious to everyone.

For example, you might use it to describe a hidden talent or skill that someone has but doesn’t talk about much. It’s like when you discover that your friend is secretly an amazing artist, even though they never mention it.

Another instance where you can use this phrase is when talking about a hidden gem of a restaurant that offers breathtaking views.

In both cases, the treasure is something enjoyable that you wouldn’t necessarily find unless you went looking for it.

Here’s an example of how you could use the phrase “stealthy treasure” in an email:

Hi Rooney

I’ve been doing some research for our upcoming weekend getaway, and I’ve come across a few stealthy treasures I think you’ll love. I can’t wait to explore these hidden gems with you.

Let me know if you’re interested, and we can start planning our adventure!

Best, Tino

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5. Secret Gem

This term carries an informal tone, usually used in casual conversations rather than professional or formal environments.

You can use “secret gem” to describe a little-known restaurant with amazing food, a secluded beach spot with breathtaking views, or a lesser-known book that turned out to be a fantastic read. It’s like finding a hidden treasure amidst the mundane.

This phrase is perfect for situations where you want to share a positive discovery with others. For example, you could use it when recommending a unique travel destination to a friend, suggesting a hidden hiking trail to fellow outdoor enthusiasts, or introducing someone to an underrated movie or music artist.

In an email, you can use “secret gem” to highlight an aspect of your product or service that sets it apart from competitors.

For instance:

Hey there,

I wanted to share with you our latest discovery in the world of skincare. While it may not be widely known yet, it’s our secret gem for achieving radiant, glowing skin.

I believe that once you try the product, you’ll understand why it’s quickly becoming a favorite among skincare enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on this hidden treasure!

Best regards, Tolani

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